
Showing posts from May, 2019

Seizing God's Promises Fearlessly

Oh, how this verse has ministered to my soul! In January of 2018, my son swore into the U.S Navy. I was filled with pride followed by waves of fear and worry. That's when God whispered the promise found in Joshua 1:9 right to my spirit. Be strong and courageous, for I am with you wherever you go...  I am with him wherever he goes. I needed those words that day. I needed to be reminded of what I already knew: that I can trust God with my children's futures. I can trust that He loves them even more than I do and that He knows the perfect plan for them. That's a promise I cling to and God helps me to do that without living in fear. For a good while, I saw that verse everywhere - it was quoted in sermons, mentioned on the radio, painted on signs all over, printed on t-shirts... everywhere! After a while, either my sensitivity lessened, or it really did lose frequency, but I didn't see it as often. Like manna, it was there when I needed it. It turns out that l...